Monday, December 22, 2008
I just saw MILK.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Miley Update

Little did I know just how beautifully this whole situation would unfold.
I had found an amazing vet, Dr. Palmquist, in Los Angeles who helped when Roxie was so ill. Because of that remarkable experience I will never bring any animal to any other vet while Dr. P is practicing. Our first visit confirmed just how sickly Miley really was. We immediately put her on a variety of meds and did a few tests. Within 2 weeks she had gained weight and was as active as could be. I fell in love with her, of course. Well, one of the vet techs had also fallen for her. Miley was making great progress, but beyond the mange which was supressing her immune system and a wicked bladder infection, was another much more serious and mysterious problem. The prognosis was not the greatest.
So, to make a long story a little shorter... I had another big lesson in "everything happens for a reason". Miley came to me so I could get her to Dr. P so the vet tech could adopt her permanently. Riley is in her forever home with an amazing woman, her husband, another Boxer and cats to play with. She has all the love, attention, medical expertise and companionship she could ever need or want. The day I turned her over to Christy I cried and cried even though I knew this was the best possible situation and exactly what was supposed to happen.
I went to visit Riley for the first time yesterday and it was a wonderful reunion. She wagged and wiggled and hugged and kissed and hugged some more. She looks great and is really coming into her own. She is an amazing being with an amazing spirit and I learned so much because of her.
She is a blessing and is now cherished by many as all animals should be.
I can't wait to see her again.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Happy Sunday

commemorate the week I threw out my back.
It says, "Just a little bit furthur, and that Milk Dud is MINE."
I think we should start a comic strip called "PJ" which stands for Photo Judy. God knows I provide a wealth of material to mock!
I am happy to report that I am walking upright again, and have been working all weekend. So, this evening I am off to a Thanksgiving party.
Friday, November 14, 2008
In The Name of Love
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Blessings in Disguise
By the way, I know now beyond a shadow of a doubt that everything does indeed happen for a reason. And I do mean everything. The bizarre way in which my father's surgery was unable to proceed saved his life. So, the next time something really ridiculous, upsetting, mind boggling or even heartbreaking happens, count to ten and be open to the blessing in disguise.
Monday, November 3, 2008
One More Day
Yesterday was a perfect fall day for Los Angeles. It had rained a little, the sun mixed with some clouds, and I walked to the local church Holiday Bizarre. I love this very traditional beautiful church just 2 blocks from me. My car has been in the shop for 10 days so I very much appreciate all the places within walking distance. So, there I am lighting a candle for mom, listening to the choir, wiping tears from my cheeks as I am walking around looking at all the tables of gift items in the Parish hall with a dear friend of mine...who happens to be in the sex industry. Yup, sex talk mixed with the smell of 'church' incense. U gotta love it.
BIG REMINDER: If you are not already signed up with Club Francesconi please click on the link and register. It takes only a minute and you will love the special offers that are available only to club members....hint hint--it is new calendar time at Francesconi Studios.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
2009 Calendar

Friday, October 24, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Phone Blogging

I am blogging from my cell cool is this!
Here is a snippit of Maria Shriver's speech found on YOUTUBE
Women's Conference 2008
I am a weeper by nature and nurture. I cry at parades, listening to music, watching commercials, and certainly listening to someone bare their soul. So, it did my heart good to see a convention hall of thousands of women wiping their tears as the camera panned the audience during the speeches.
This is Maria Shriver's baby and I believe this was the 5th year for the conference. She was incredibly brave and moving as she shared her most vulnerable and private self. She touched me deeply because she so gets "it".
"It" being that we are here to get over our big bad selves, to admit and walk through our fears, to stop feeling not good enough and less than (a plague among women), and to love. She speaks of being a caregiver to her mother, her learning to ask for help, all her fears that up to now have kept her from fully connecting to herself and others. Sound familiar? IT DOES TO ME. I resonated with her words---they are me and I am sure, the majority of us.
If Maria ever runs for office I want to photograph every minute of the campaign!
Speakers included Christiane Amanpour, Condoleeza Rice, Madeleine Albright, Billie Jean King, Betty Chin, even Bono...and the list goes on...all with the message of:
- How we can each be an architect of change-personally and globally
- The importance of Empowerment
- The imperative of Perserverence
- Be who you are and Share yourself
As women, every single one of us can make such a huge difference in the world. Women are nurturers. We operate out of compassion and cooperation instead of competition.
It is time we came into our own--individually and collectively and made our world a safe place we are proud of.
Just my humble opinion.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Incompetence is Alive and Well
For someone who rarely, if ever, even slightly raised her voice...I sure have been provided with a few too many opportunities in the last 2 years to get in touch with anger and to exercise my vocal chords. So, 'Dr. Useless' is now minus a patient.
Since I believe that everything does indeed happen for a reason then maybe this was a blessing in disguise. As so many unwanted events end up being for the best, perhaps he would have not handled the surgery at all well. Maybe the cancellation spared him of complications or worse.
It certainly has spared him from continuing with a bad doctor.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Tonight's Gallery Reception
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Vegas Aftermath

Sunday, October 5, 2008
Women's Week Provincetown

I'm off to Vegas
Thursday for my photo shoots,
and it is Women's Week once again in Provincetown. I love P-town and miss it.
I wish I could be there for the artist's reception Thursday Oct. 16th at Lyman-Eyer Gallery. Instead, I will be taking care of my father who is going in for surgery Friday Oct. 17th. Wish us luck--any surgery is risky at his age and in his condition.
Here is the flyer with more details about the reception. I hope you can attend and check out the new work. Make sure you say hi to Jim Lyman, and meet Damian, my new projects manager, (we are working on some major new exciting projects.) Oh, and there is an article in Provincetown Magazine--the Women's Week Issue. I had so much fun doing the phone interview. Enjoy!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Calendar News and Miley Update
I know those crazy times are going to get more frequent as she gets to feeling even better!
I am off to the vet again now to pick up more meds for her...but before I go I have some great news...
There will be a 2009 calendar! I am putting the finishing touches on it now and will begin shipping the beginning of October. It is a limited edition, and it will sell out quickly. Club Francesconi members are notified first, so sign up now to be included.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
New Boxer Baby

Sunday, August 31, 2008
Las Vegas Shoot--The More The Merrier
The shoots are short, easy and fun...You stand there and look pretty as I run around, get in strange positions looking for the perfect angle all the while clicking the shutter and generally making quite an odd picture myself as I create art.
If you are up for an adventure send me an email. See you in Vegas!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Olympic Women's Basketball
Thursday, August 21, 2008
I Love Getting Flowers
Look at these beautiful flowers that my "New York peeps" sent me.
They remind me of the movie, Under The Tuscan Sun (one of my favorites). My dad's family is from Tuscany and my mom's family from Naples. I still want to spend weeks in Italy and explore all the beauty and food! I was in Rome my senior year of college and loved it. I knew just enough Italian to get in trouble. We stayed at the Grand Hotel... Via Venetto, the Spanish Steps... I felt like I was home and would love to do a gallery showing and photo shoots there someday soon.
I have a great story about my audience with the Pope and choosing to take photos of him (almost the last photo I ever snapped) instead of shaking his hand and receiving a blessing. It is because of the Pope that I designed my business card the way I did. (Most of my stories are only told over margaritas at Marix)
What a great day--for many reasons.
Since Monday July 7, 2008 I have had the best caregivers taking care of Dad when I am not there. I worked so hard to find the right match, and after a year plus of constant hassles, stress, last minute calls because the caregivers didn't show up, a flooded backyard, and a refrigerator of ruined food because it was turned off, etc. etc. The stories go on and on as many of you know. I finally have some peace of mind and time to devote to other things --like fun new shoots and product for all of you! ART COMES FROM ARTISTS (I know I'm yelling. What can I say, I get PASSIONATE.)
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Another Great Documentary
The Black List. I loved it. Check it out when it premieres on HBO August 25, 2008

The Black List, Vol. 1 presents dramatic portraits of some of today's most fascinating and influential African-Americans, who share their stories and insights into the struggles, triumphs and joys of black life in the U.S. The film is a collaboration between celebrated portrait photographer and filmmaker Timothy Greenfield-Sanders, who directs, and award-winning journalist Elvis Mitchell, who interviews such notables as Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Sean Combs, Thelma Golden, Lou Gossett, Jr., Bill T. Jones, Vernon Jordan, Toni Morrison, Suzanne-Lori Parks, Richard Parsons, Chris Rock, Al Sharpton, Slash, Faye Wattleton, Keenen Ivory Wayans and Zane.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Many Thanks
It means the world to me when my images touch people and I am thrilled when people "get" my work. So, please feel free to continue to share your stories, comments and suggestions.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Precious Pups
I have been looking for my next Boxer baby and am very close to finding the one (or two) that belong with me. I want to adopt from Boxer Rescue Los Angeles.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
One of the life lessons I’ve been forced to learn is that the only constant is change…not easy for a rooted Taurus.
So, when I developed (no pun intended) a severe allergy to the darkroom photo chemicals I had no choice but to make a change and find a printer who had a similar feel and finesse for my fine art women images.
After years of trying just about every lab in southern California I finally found a master. She was a gifted printer who it turned out had no problem with change.
Her life took a completely different direction and she gave up printing forever.
By this time I was still shooting film and had no interest in even holding a digital camera. However, each new commercial assignment brought questions such as, “You shoot digital right?” and “Would you email me jpgs between 1 and 2 mgs.” You mean I have to get a computer?! Alright, you get the idea. Apparently I’ve come a long way. I even enjoy Photoshop now and think it is fun.
I have learned that Giclée is French for “sprayed ink.” It is a sophisticated technique and process that allows archival fine art photographs to be made from a digital source. I am unveiling a collection of new giclee images. Some were shot digitally by me, all were meticulously fine tuned in Photoshop by me, and printed-- by me!
Welcome to my new world…
Judy Francesconi

My giclées are all open edition. They are titled and signed by me, but not numbered. They are digitally printed with archival inks on archival museum quality matte paper.
This allows new collectors to own fine art at an affordable price.
My line of silver gelatin hand printed original photographs are available as signed, numbered limited editions.
Friday, July 25, 2008

Since then my dad has been having some health problems and we have had to go through some very rough changes together. He too is very sweet, exceedingly generous, with a great sense of humor and on the other hand can have moments that are challenging to deal with. We have had the opportunity to discover each other and develop a relationship without the buffer of mom. It has been one of the hardest and most wonderful, rewarding, and heartbreaking times of my life. It has been stressful to be a caregiver, coordinate other caregivers, and generally take care of every aspect of his life, and to watch and worry as he daily makes a decision to participate in life to varying degrees. I have resorted at times to teasing, cajoling, screaming and crying to motivate him.
Many situations I have handled beautifully, many I have not, mostly from fear. As I was juggling this and all responsibilities and obligations in the other areas of my life I know I have been alternately stressed, sad, exhausted, stoic, hysterical, loving, giving, sometimes fun, and sometimes not. Through it all I have had the most wonderful support (particularly if I stretched out of my comfort zone and asked for it) from a precious relationship and dear friends.
Since life is full of change and transitions when you least expect it I am now a single woman again!
I find it fascinating how we are all such a product of our parents and environment. For better, for worse, how we are formed and shaped forever by our families. My greatest wish for all of us is to find that someone, our safe place where we can be accepted for who we are and become more of who we want to be because of each other. To have the strength and vulnerability to go through the good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful and the mundane together.

Friday, June 20, 2008
GoMag Pride Issue 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Same Sex Marriage in California!
Friday, June 13, 2008
One Minute of Beauty
Here is a beautiful sunset for your enjoyment taken with my new white Flip camera. I was in San Diego last weekend at Torrey Pines for an outdoor HBO screening of BACK NINE AT CHERRY HILL. It is a great documentary about the 1960 U.S. Open that pitted three golf legends: Hogan, Palmer, and Nicklaus against the same course.
San Diego Sunset from Judy Francesconi on Vimeo.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
New Naked Women
A blog is not a blog if you don't blog more frequently than twice a year! So, for now my "blog" is a "Hi, I'm thinking about you and dropping you a line."
I have been very distracted with what eventually becomes a pivotal time for many of us...taking care of an elderly parent. My father just turned 91 years young! That is pretty amazing. He has had a difficult time emotionally and physically since my mom passed on about a year and a half ago. Come to think of it, so have I. He is now facing another surgery, so I have been focusing on very time consuming parental obligations. Fortunately, he has a great sense of humor and never wants me to worry about him so he always says he is 'great.'
I have made time to shoot and wanted to share some of my latest images with you.
There will be more, so stay tuned!