Every year I marvel at the same phenomenon: The months of Oct., Nov., and Dec. painfully and poignantly drag by for me. Then somehow, Jan., Feb., and March speed past in a blink. I am a slow learner apparently, because this year is no exception. So, now that I am aware earlier than usual in this process I have some insights and intentions I would like to share with you.
Personally and globally this is a time of contradictions. It is a time of having both sides of the coin visible at once. It is a tumultuous time: fighting to hang on to the old, to the familiar, to what we know and are comfortable with. It is a time where many of us can see clearly and simultaneously two pictures--the nightmare and the dream. A bizarre time indeed where our very foundation is crumbling. Clinging to the past and to things that so clearly no longer work or serve us is a very human response. I admit that I am all too human. I am full of contradictions.
It is crucial to now make conscious decisions with our eyes, and more importantly, our hearts wide open. This a beautiful time of evaluation, choice, hope and action. We now have the opportunity to decide for ourselves what is truly important, what means the most to us, what makes us feel grateful to be alive. Each and every one of us has amazing power and impact. There is a ripple effect for every action we take and word we speak. I believe that we cannot deny or ignore that fact any longer. I affect you and you affect me in return whether or not we like it.
It is time to contract and expand. It is time for gentle acceptance and bold truth. Be BOLD...be daring and fearless in whatever way you contribute to our world...be bold and make a difference. This is my job as a human being and as an artist. I have had a series of images playing in my head and heart for quite awhile now and I am ready. As always, if any of you wish to be bold with me and want to work together you know how to contact me at